Saturday, October 10, 2015

#LikeAGirl SOAPStone

The speaker for the like a girl campaign is Always. Always is a company owned by Procter and Gamble and sells feminine hygiene products. The occasion for the commercials is the Super Bowl, but it is also to try and change the culture around the phrase "like a girl". There is negative connotations when saying "like a girl" and they are trying to change that so that it is no longer putting girls down and lowering their confidence. The audience of the campaign is women of all ages and also young boys. In the commercials they depicted women of all ages and also focused on one young boy. The purpose of the campaign is to first sell products and advertise Always, but at the same time they are trying to empower women of all ages and show them that they can do anything. The tone of the campaign changes from the beginning to the end of the advertisement. At the beginning of the advertisement the tone is more light hearted. Lauren Greenfield is just asking the women and men to show how girls do certain things. Later it becomes more serious when she asks them if those are insults and then it becomes hopeful and shows the young girls demonstrating the same actions.

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