Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Blog Post 40: Encouragement Letter to Future Self

Dear Future Self,

Next semester is going to be a difficult one. You're going to have a large workload but you can handle it. Just remember you are going to have to work hard at some point in your life so why not work hard now. If you work hard and get everything done you won't have to work as hard when you're older. You will have the opportunity to relax and do fun things by putting in a little hard work now. There is also tons of opportunities to get help such as study groups, tutoring, and other resources. You can always go and talk to your counselors or teachers and they will all help you. Plus you are going to take some high level STEM classes and you will have a lot to brag about. After this learning you will have a great chance of getting a job out of college and you will be set for a while. It will all be worth it in the long run. You may miss some sleep now but you will get it back in the future or over the summer. No one ever said they wish they had gotten more sleep. The most important thing though is make sure to remember bear down and to pipe it up.


Past Self

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