Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Blog Post 39: Letter to Self

Dear Benjamin,

After looking back at this semester I have a few recommendations for you. First off don't be stubborn, create multiple drafts of all papers and do all of your pre-writing. This leads to significantly better papers and drafting becomes significantly easier if you do good pre-writing. Otherwise you have to organize all of your jumbled ideas while attempting to write a high quality paper. Second take advantage of office hours and peer editing. It can be difficult to find problems with your own work but it is easy to fix them after someone else points them out and you realize they exist. The last piece of advice I have is time management. Avoid procrastination and don't save homework for one day. Do chunks of homework every day and you will thank yourself when you want to go have fun on the weekend or watch football on Sunday. Follow all of this advice and your papers will be ten times better and you will have a more fun, less stressful first semester.


Future Benjamin

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